Tier 1 Elite Hockey League

3 Former Colorado Thunderbirds Make Commitments and Tenders

Congrats to former Colorado Thunderbirds Patrick Raftery, Reid Conn, and Ethan Begg for their recent commitments and tenders.

Raftery committed to play Division 1 hockey at the University of Maine and played for the Thunderbirds from 2014-2021; Conn tendered with Minnesota Wilderness and played with the Thunderbirds from 2018-2021; and Ethan Begg committed to play Division 1 hockey at the University of Vermont and played with the Thunderbirds from 2014 to 2017.

T1EHL is proud of these three and all of its players who continue to advance in the ranks of hockey. Where do you go from here? Everywhere.

Welcome to the Tier 1 Elite Hockey League – the premier amateur youth hockey league in the United States!